Neo-Atlantis, 2112. The City on the Sea is a modular man-made island; acting as the seat of power for the monolithic Kraken Technologies.

Kraken itself is a AAA mega-corporation that stands at this time greater than any individual world power. It is the engine that is responsible for most if not every technological milestone that’s taken place over the last century. Among the many districts built onto this floating, modular, man-made city; District 2 exists as a unique blemish within what might otherwise be considered a Utopia. Dubbed ‘Arcadia’, it has survived the onslaught of refugees from a crumbling outside world as well as the resulting civil war that would force Kraken to grant the district it’s independence… and seal it’s fate as little more then a sprawl ruled over by a group of underworld factions.

In the world of Cybernautica, synthetic life mixes with natural born humanity. Displaced citizenry mingle in Arcadia with refugees from the outside world as the rest of the city moves towards the transhumanist dream. All the while Kraken toils above it all; omnipotent yet wholly indifferent to the struggles on the streets below the towering plateau at center of the city known as ‘The Core’.

Each 8 episode season of this story will focus on a new yet interconnected tale as we seek to reveal this original cyberpunk IP to you, piece by piece. Wave after wave.

Welcome to Neo-Atlantis.

What are listeners saying about cybernautica?

“I always need more cyberpunk, and Cybernautica absolutely delivers with the world of Neo-Atlantis, powered by a mega-corp called Kraken, and splintered into Districts. There’s been civil wars, refugees, rogue factions fighting for power.This sprawling world comes through in Cybernautica’s design and performances, an evocative and seamless sensation of place and person melded together.”

- Elena Fernández Collins, Bello Collective

“The world of Neo Atlantis is already so vivid, it must be why I’m drowning in some of the best writing, sound design, & voice acting in fiction podcasts right now! (and THE MUSIC, my god, the music) — subscribe now and dive in with me ?””

- Young Like Me

“Impressive worldbuilding, a relatable main character, marvellous music, sound design and stellar acting - not to mention the artwork that was what made me subscribe in the first place - well, you get it all in this show. Prepare to dive in to the world of Neo-Atlantis!”

- Gitte Malene Jensen

“I first came across Cybernautica when the Creator and I were both in Sarah Rhea Werner’s podcast marketing class. I'm so impressed by it and I'm loving the story!”

- Michelle Booze